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  • Regular price $32.90

What's great about this blend?
🥦 It's nutritious, enriched with essential vitamins and calcium.

🍓 It's made by drying and extracting the juice of fruits and vegetables.

🍅 The unique sweet and fruity taste help mask the taste of broccoli, tomato & spinach in the mixture so your kids can enjoy it benefit fromall of its nutrients.

👶 This blend contains inulin; a dietary fibre that aids digestion and promotes overall digestive health. Your child able to poop better!
🍬 1 serving (10ml) of Toujours Kids Fruits & Vegetable Blend has only 0.39g sugar. That's less sugar than one piece of 🍓.

👩 Suitable for adults, pregnancy & breastfeeding moms too!

Get Toujours Kids Fruit & Vegetable Blend for your kids today!